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Best university | Cell phones | Confederate flag | Elian Gonzalez | JonBenet Ramsey | Kerrey incident | Levy/Condit | The '90s | Postal ServicePrincess Diana | Royalty | Senator in space | O.J. Simpson | Submarine collision | Oklahoma City | Viagra | Waco | Watergate | Wifely submission



CNN/ORC Poll. July 18-20, 2014. N=1,012 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

"Now thinking for a moment about the Watergate affair during President Richard Nixon's administration. It has now been 40 years since Nixon resigned as president. Which of these two statements comes closer to your own point of view about Watergate? It was a very serious matter because it revealed corruption in the Nixon Administration. OR, It was just politics -- the kind of thing both parties engage in."
Very serious
% % %
7/18-20/14 51 46 3


ABC News Poll. June 7-9, 2002. N=1,004 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"It's been 30 years since the Watergate break-in caused a political scandal in Washington. Do you feel you know enough about Watergate to tell the basic facts to someone else, or not?"
Yes 34
No 65


"Do you think President Richard Nixon's actions regarding Watergate were, or were not, serious enough to warrant his resignation?"
Were 63
Were not 24
No opinion 14


"As you may know, President Gerald Ford granted Nixon a pardon from criminal charges arising out of Watergate. Do you think Ford did the right thing or wrong thing in granting Nixon a pardon?"
Right thing 59
Wrong thing 32
No opinion 8


Associated Press Poll conducted by ICR. July 28-August 1, 1999. N=1,012 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"It has been more than 25 years since the Watergate break-in caused a political scandal in Washington. Do you know enough about Watergate to tell someone else about it?"
Yes 40
No 60


"Which statement comes closer to your view about Watergate? It was a very serious matter that revealed corruption in the Nixon White House. OR, It was just politics -- the kind of thing both parties engage in."
Very serious matter 48
Just politics 45
Don't know 6
Refused 1


"Looking back, do you think President Nixon's actions regarding Watergate were or were not serious enough to warrant his resignation?"
Were 62
Were not 26
Don't know 12


"Twenty-five years from now, do you think Richard Nixon will be remembered more for the Watergate scandal or for his policies as president?"
Watergate 72
His policies 22
Don't know 6


"Do you think the charges of misconduct against President Bill Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky matter were more serious than the charges made against President Nixon in Watergate, less serious or about as serious?"
More serious 18
Less serious 45
About as serious 33
Don't know 4


Chandra Levy/Gary Condit

CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. May 28-29, 2002. Nationwide.


"Now, I have a question concerning Chandra Levy, the 24-year old Washington intern who disappeared more than one year ago and whose remains were recently discovered. Do you think the case involving the disappearance of Chandra Levy will ever be solved, or not?" Form A (N=506 adults, MoE ± 5)
Will Be
No, Will
Not Be
% % %    
5/02 39 52 9    


"Now, I have a question concerning Gary Condit, the California congressman who, according to some reports, had an extramarital affair with Chandra Levy, the 24-year old Washington intern who disappeared more than one year ago and whose remains were recently discovered. How likely do you think it is that Gary Condit was directly involved in the disappearance of Chandra Levy: very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely?" Form B (N=497 adults, MoE ± 5)
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
5/02 31 27 17 12 13


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. July 25-26, 2001. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"California Congressman Gary Condit recently admitted to having a romantic relationship with the Washington intern Chandra Levy who has been missing since April 30. From what you've heard or read, do you think Gary Condit had anything to do with Levy's disappearance?"
7/25-26 7/11-12
% %
Yes 44 41
No 24 18
Not sure 32 41


"Do you think Condit is telling everything that he knows about Chandra Levy's disappearance?"
7/25-26 7/11-12
% %
Yes 11 9
No 70 68
Not sure 19 23


"Do you think Gary Condit is acting more like he’s guilty or acting more like he’s innocent?"
Guilty 51
Innocent 19
Not sure 30


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. July 19-22, 2001. N=1,038 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"I have a few questions about the case of Chandra Levy, the 24-year-old Washington intern who disappeared more than two months ago. How closely have you been following the news concerning the investigation into the disappearance of Chandra Levy: very closely, somewhat closely, not too closely, or not at all?"
7/19-22 7/10-11
% %
Very closely 22 20
Somewhat closely 40 43
Not too closely 25 22
Not at all 12 15


"Do you think the case involving the disappearance of Chandra Levy will ever be solved, or not?"
7/19-22 7/10-11
% %
Yes 51 51
No 38 35
No opinion 11 14


"Now, I have a few questions concerning Gary Condit, the California congressman who, according to some reports, had an extramarital affair with Chandra Levy. How likely do you think it is that Gary Condit was directly involved in the disappearance of Chandra Levy: very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely?
7/19-22 7/10-11
% %
Very likely 24 28
Somewhat likely 40 37
Not too likely 16 13
Not at all likely 10 7
No opinion 10 15


Cell Phones

ABC News.com Poll. May 16-20, 2001. N=1,027 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you think it should be legal or illegal to use a hand-held cellular telephone while driving a car?"
Legal 29
Illegal 69
No opinion 3


"How about a hands-free cellular telephone, which you don't have to pick up or hold to use? Do you think it should be legal or illegal to use a hands-free cellular telephone while driving a car?"
Legal 72
Illegal 28
No opinion 1


Kerrey Incident

Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. May 3-4, 2001. N=1,002 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Former U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey recently confirmed that 30 years ago in Vietnam he was involved in a raid where unarmed civilians were killed, including many women and children. Kerrey says it was an accident, but another U.S. serviceman who was there claims that Kerrey gave orders to shoot the civilians at point blank range. From what you've seen or heard in the news, which do you think is closer to the truth: Kerrey's account of what happened or the other serviceman's account?"
Kerrey’s account 40
Other serviceman’s account 31
Didn’t follow Kerrey story (vol.) 11
Don't know 18


"Do you think the U.S. government or military should conduct a formal investigation of this incident, or not?"
Should 40
Should not 56
Don't know 4


"Do you think that incidents like this, involving the killing of unarmed civilians, were relatively common or relatively rare during the Vietnam War?"
Relatively common 68
Relatively rare 20
Don't know 12


Submarine Collision

CBS News/New York Times Poll. March 8-12, 2001. N=1,105 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


Served in
Armed Forces
ALL Yes No
% % %
"How closely have you been following news about the hearings being held in Hawaii over the sinking of the Japanese fishing boat by the U.S. submarine the Greeneville on February 9, in which nine people were killed? Have you been following it very closely, somewhat closely, not too closely, or not at all?"
Very closely 11 21 8
Somewhat closely 42 47 40
Not too closely 31 24 33
Not at all 16 8 18


"From what you know about the sinking of the Japanese fishing boat by the Greeneville, which statement comes closer to your opinion? 1. It was a tragic thing, and there is absolutely no excuse for the submarine’s crew to make such a mistake, or 2. It was a tragic thing, but it is understandable that this kind of a mistake could have happened."
No excuse 46 44 46
Understandable 46 51 44
Don't know 8 5 10


"What do you think should happen as a result? Should the submarine’s captain, Commander Scott Waddle, face criminal charges for what happened?"
Yes 32 25 34
No 49 66 46
Don't know 19 9 20


Elian Gonzalez

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. May 7-10, 2000. N=1,068 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"As you may know, federal officers removed Elian Gonzalez from his relatives' home in Miami and returned him to his father. Do you support or oppose the federal action to remove the boy from his relatives' home and return him to his father?"
Support 66
Oppose 26
No opinion 7


"Who do you think should be granted permanent custody of Elian Gonzalez: his father or his relatives in Miami?"
5/7-10 4/24
% %
Father 78 76
Miami relatives 14 20
No opinion 8 4


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). April 29-May 1, 2000. N=1,003 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.2.


"Elian Gonzalez was removed from the home of his Miami relatives by armed federal agents who forcibly entered the house. Do you approve or disapprove of the method used by federal agents?"
Approve 50
Disapprove 46
Not sure 4


"Do you think that Elian Gonzalez should remain with his relatives in the U.S. or should return with his father to Cuba?"
Should return to Cuba 66
Should remain in U.S. 20
Depends (vol.) 7
Not sure 7


Asked of half the sample:
"Now I'm going to read you a list of players involved in the controversy over Elian Gonzalez. For each one I read, please tell me whether you think they are acting responsibly or irresponsibly. . . ."
% % % %
The father of Elian Gonzalez 71 15 5 9
Janet Reno 57 33 3 7
The Republican leadership in Congress 30 45 5 20
George W. Bush 29 23 4 44
Al Gore 29 34 4 33
The Miami relatives of Elian Gonzalez 23 68 2 7
The media 22 72 3 3
The Cuban-American protesters in Miami 20 72 2 6


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. April 28-30, 2000. N=1,003 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Next we have some questions about Elian Gonzalez, the 6-year-old Cuban boy who is a survivor of a boat filled with Cuban immigrants which sank off the coast of Florida last November, and whose custody is being disputed.

Asked of half the sample (Form A):
"As you may know, federal agents physically removed Elian Gonzalez from the home of his Miami relatives on Saturday, April 22nd, and took him to Washington, D.C., to reunite him with his father. Do you approve or disapprove of that action?"

4/28-30 4/24 4/22
% % %
Approve 60 60 57
Disapprove 36 35 37
No opinion 4 5 6


Asked of half the sample (Form B):
"As you may know, federal agents physically removed Elian Gonzalez from the home of his Miami relatives on Saturday, April 22nd, and took him to Washington, D.C., where they turned him over to his father. Regardless of how you feel about the methods used, do you approve or disapprove of the Justice Department’s decision to remove Elian Gonzalez from the Miami home and turn him over to his father?"
Approve 68
Disapprove 28
No opinion 4


Asked of half the sample (Form B):
"Now thinking specifically about the methods the Justice Department used, do you approve or disapprove of the way in which the Justice Department removed Elian Gonzalez from the home of his Miami relatives?"
Approve 43
Disapprove 53
No opinion 4


"What do you think should happen to Elian Gonzalez – should he [rotate] remain in the U.S. to live with the relatives who have requested he stay here OR return to Cuba to live with his father, as his father has requested?"
Remain in U.S. 23
Return to Cuba 67
Other (vol.) 5
No opinion 5


"Which factor do you think should be more important in determining whether Elian Gonzalez remains in the United States or returns to Cuba: [rotate] custody concerns about whether his father or Miami relatives would make the better guardian OR political asylum concerns about whether Elian is better off growing up in a democratic country like the U.S. or better off returned to live under communism in Cuba?"
Custody concerns 64
Political asylum concerns 26
Same (vol.) 2
No opinion 8


"Next we want you to think more generally about young children from other countries. Do you believe young children should or should not be able to seek political asylum in the United States on their own, without the involvement of their parents?"
Should 25
Should not 61
Depends (vol.) 9
No opinion 5


"Finally on this topic: As you may know Congress is planning to hold hearings next week to investigate the Justice Department’s removal of Elian Gonzalez from the Miami home. Do you approve or disapprove of these hearings?"
Approve 43
Disapprove 54
No opinion 3


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. April 26-27, 2000. N=903 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Six-year-old Elian Gonzalez has been in the news over the last several months after his mother drowned during their escape from Cuba. Last Saturday, federal agents under the direction of Attorney General Janet Reno removed Elian by force from the home of his Miami relatives. Reno and others have defended the raid, saying it was a necessary law enforcement action and the only remaining alternative. Others have argued that the raid was unnecessary and excessive, saying a peaceful deal could have been reached. Do you approve or disapprove of the decision to remove Elian by force?"
Approve 53
Disapprove 42
Not sure 5


"Some people say that by waiting so long to take action that the Clinton Administration made the situation worse; others say they should have given negotiations even more time. Do you think the Administration waited too long, didn't wait long enough, or took an appropriate amount of time?"
Too long 54
Not long enough 14
An appropriate amount of time 23
Not sure 9


"Do you think the President and Congress should continue to spend time on the Elian matter or should they devote their time to other issues?"
Devote time to other issues 89
Continue working on Elian matter 7
Not sure 4


"Who do you think truly has Elian's best interest at heart: his great-uncle and other Miami relatives or his father?"
Father 55
Great-uncle/Miami relatives 18
Both (vol.) 9
Neither (vol.) 4
Not sure 14


ABC News Poll. April 24, 2000. N=505 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.5.


"Do you think the government did all it could to avoid using force in this case, or do you think it should have done more before sending in the officers?"
Did all it could 50
Should have done more 45
No opinion 5


"For each person or group I name, please tell me if you approve or disapprove of the way they've handled the Elian Gonzalez case. . . ."
Approve Disap-
% % %
The boy's father 67 26 7
Attorney General Janet Reno 53 40 7
Bill Clinton 46 42 11
The boy's relatives in Miami 34 62 4
George W. Bush 29 33 38
The Cuban government 27 57 16
The Cuban-American community in Miami 27 63 10
The Republicans in Congress 25 52 23
Al Gore 24 47 29


"Do you support or oppose holding congressional hearings on the government's action to remove the boy from his relatives' home?"
Support 32
Oppose 65
No opinion 4


Oklahoma City

CBS News Poll. June 9, 2001. N=565 adults nationwide who were first polled May 10-12. MoE ± 4.


"As you may know, Timothy McVeigh was found guilty of the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, in which 168 people were killed, and was sentenced to death in 1997. He is scheduled to be executed on Monday. Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for Timothy McVeigh?"
Favor 77
Oppose 21
Don't know 2


"In May, the F.B.I. discovered documents relating to the case that were supposed to have been given to McVeigh's lawyers, but were not. The Justice Department decided to delay McVeigh's execution until June 11, in order to give McVeigh's lawyers time to review those documents. Do you think this was the right thing to do, or not?"
Right thing 77
Wrong thing 18
Don't know 5


"Last Wednesday, a federal judge refused to grant a stay of execution for McVeigh, saying that there was nothing in those documents that would change McVeigh’s guilt. Do you think that was the right decision, or should the execution have been delayed?"
Right decision 77
Should have been delayed 18
Don't know 5


"In the McVeigh case, do you think the criminal justice system will have worked the way it should for a death penalty case, or not?"
Yes, will have 81
No, will not have 11
Don't know 8


"Victims of the Oklahoma City bombing and their families will be able to watch the execution of Timothy McVeigh on specially arranged, closed-circuit television. Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for the victims and their families to be able to watch his execution?"
Good idea 60
Bad idea 30
Don't know 10


CBS News Poll. April 15-17, 2000. N=1,150 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Five years ago a bomb went off in a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. Two Americans were later convicted of the bombing. Which of these statements comes closer to your own opinion? (A) In the future there will be more terrorist incidents like the one in Oklahoma City. OR, (B) The Oklahoma City bombing was a random act and is not likely to be repeated anywhere else in the future."
More terrorist incidents 68
Not likely to be repeated 26
Don't know 6


"Do you think we learned from the Oklahoma City bombing and can prevent similar things from happening in the future, or not?"
Can prevent 55
Cannot prevent 38
Don't know 7



CBS News Poll. April 15-17, 2000. N=1,150 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"In 1993, there was a 51-day standoff and violent confrontation in Waco, Texas, between the Branch Davidians, led by David Koresh, and the FBI Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms [sic]. There was a large fire in the compound there that resulted in the deaths of 80 people. . . . Do you approve or disapprove of the way the FBI and other authorities handled the standoff with the Branch Davidian cult in Waco?"
4/00 10/99
% %
Approve 41 38
Disapprove 40 43
Don't know 19 19


"Who do you think is MOST to blame for what happened at Waco?"
4/00 10/99
% %
Branch Davidians/Koresh 47 43
FBI 10 14
Janet Reno 7 5
Both FBI and Davidians 3 3
Federal government (general) 3 1
ATF 2 2
Other 4 9
Don't know 24 23


"Do you think the complete truth about the events at Waco will come out some day, or do you think this is something that can't be found out?"
4/00 10/99
% %
Truth will come out 47 43
Can't be found out 45 50
Don't know 8 7


"Do you think there has been an official cover-up by the government or the FBI to keep the public from learning the truth about the events in Waco?"
4/00 10/99
% %
Has been a cover-up 51 62
Has not been 33 25
Don't know 16 13


JonBenet Ramsey

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Dec. 12-13, 2001. N=900 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.


"On December 26, 1996, the body of six-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was found in the basement of the family's home. Do you think her parents were involved in her murder?"


    12/01 10/99 2/99 11/98 8/97 3/97
    % % % % % %
  Yes 53 49 56 60 51 54
  No 14 15 9 13 13 14
  Not sure 33 36 35 27 36 32


"Do you think we will ever know what happened to JonBenet Ramsey?"


    12/01 10/99 2/99 11/98 4/98 12/97
    % % % % % %
  Yes 15 23 15 21 25 29
  No 72 62 73 68 64 59
  Not sure 13 15 12 11 11 12


The Gallup Poll. March 17-19, 2000. N=1,024 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you think the case involving the murder of JonBenet Ramsey will ever be solved, or not?"


3/00 12/97 11/97
% % %
Will be 24 31 32
Will not be 66 58 56
No opinion 10 11 12


"Do you, personally, have an opinion about who murdered JonBenet Ramsey?"


Yes 33
No 65
No opinion 2


Asked of those who answered "Yes" to preceding question (N=337; MoE +/- 6):
"Just your opinion: Who do you think killed JonBenet Ramsey?"


Both parents 30
Mother 17
Father 11
Brother 9
Total stranger 5
Disgruntled employee 1
Other 19
No opinion 8


Confederate Flag

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). Jan. 25-26, 2000. N=505 adults nationwide.


"As you may know, the Confederate flag currently flies over the state capitol in South Carolina. Let me read you two statements about this situation and then get your reaction. (A) The Confederate flag should remain over the state capitol because it is a symbol of southern heritage and honors the lives of southerners who were killed in the Civil War. (B) The Confederate flag should be removed from the state capitol because it is a symbol of racism and slavery and is offensive to blacks. Which of these statements comes closer to your point of view?"
A. Flag should remain over state capitol 41
B. Flag should be removed 49
Not sure 10


"Do you think that presidential candidates should take a position on the Confederate flag issue, or not?"
They should 30
They should not 64
Not sure 6


The Best University

Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll. August 3-4, 1999. N=1,048 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Next, thinking about college education in this country: What university do you recognize as the best in the United States -- all things taken into consideration?"
Harvard 16
Stanford 4
Princeton 3
Yale 2
Notre Dame 2
Duke 2
Penn State 2
Texas A&M 1
Berkeley 1
University of Michigan 1
Cornell 1
Brown 1
Florida State 1
Ohio State 1
Other 33
No opinion 24



Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll. June 11-13, 1999. N=1,022 adults nationwide.


"In general, do you think that the Royal Family is a good thing for the people of England, or a bad thing?"
1999 1950
% %
Good thing 63 45
Bad thing 23 20
No opinion 14 34


"Do you think an American royal family would be a good thing for the people of this country?"
1999 1950
% %
Yes 12 3
No 86 87
No opinion 2 10


O.J. Simpson

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by Hart Research Associates (D) and Public Opinion Strategies (R). June 19-23, 2016. N=1,000 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1.


"Do you personally think O.J. Simpson did or did not commit the murders he was charged with committing?"


Did not
Unsure Not aware of
topic (vol.)
% % % %
6/19-23/16 69 7 20 4


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Sept. 7-10, 2015. N=1,003 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5.


"The O.J. Simpson case occurred 20 years ago. A criminal court jury found Simpson not guilty of charges that he killed his wife and a friend of hers. A civil court jury later said Simpson was responsible for these killings. What's your own opinion? Do you think Simpson was definitely guilty, probably guilty, probably not guilty, or definitely not guilty of these murders?"
2007: "And thinking back about a decade, a jury found O.J. Simpson NOT guilty in the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Regardless of the verdict, what is your opinion of the case now? Do you think Simpson was definitely guilty, probably guilty, probably not guilty, or definitely not guilty?"
1994: "Whether you agree with the jury or not, do you think Simpson is definitely guilty, probably guilty, probably not guilty, or definitely not guilty?"


not guilty
% % %    

ALL adults


76 9 14    


67 19 14    


57 27 16    




83 6 11    


74 13 13    


63 20 17    




57 24 19    


45 40 16    


22 65 13    


CNN/ORC Poll. May 2-4 & May 29-June 1, 2014. N=2,011 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 2.5.


"You may remember a famous trial that happened 20 years ago when O.J. Simpson was charged with murdering his former wife and another person. Do you personally believe the charges that O.J. Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were definitely true, probably true, probably not true, or definitely not true?"
Prior to 2014: "Do you personally believe the charges that O.J. Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman are definitely true, probably true, probably not true or definitely not true?"


not true
not true
% % % % %


44 39 10 5 2


51 38 6 3 2


17 36 27 16 4



41 41 9 5 4


44 46 6 2 2


20 36 19 21 4



38 42 10 4 5


46 36 7 5 7


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. June 8-9, 2004. N=900 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.


"Do you think O.J. Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?"


Yes No Unsure
% % %
6/8-9/04 66 13 21


CNN/Gallup Poll. June 3-6, 2004. N=1,000 adults voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"As you may know, June 12th marks the 10th anniversary of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, marking the start of the O. J. Simpson murder case. Do you personally believe the charges that O. J. Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman are definitely true, probably true, probably not true, or definitely not true?"


Not True
Not True
% % % % %
6/3-6/04 35 43 12 4 6


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. May 19-20, 1999. N=912 registered voters nationwide.


"This June it will have been five years since O.J. Simpson, facing murder charges, led police on a televised chase along Los Angeles freeways that ended in his arrest. Simpson was found not guilty of the murder charges and now has custody of his children. Do you think justice was served in the Simpson case, or not?"


ALL Whites Non-whites
% % %
Yes 21 16 40
No 70 76 47
Not sure 9 8 13


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. November 11-12, 1998. N=904 registered voters nationwide.


"Do you believe O.J. Simpson should have custody of his children?"


11/98 12/96
% %
Yes 27 36
No 63 50
Not sure 10 14


"From what you've heard, do you think O.J. Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?"


11/98 9/96
% %
Yes 72 66
No 14 14
Not sure 14 20


Remembering the '90s

CNN/Time Poll conducted by Yankelovich Partners. March 4, 1999. N=1,071 adults nationwide.


"The Post Office has released a series of stamps representing every decade. Which of the following images would be your first choice to represent the 1990s? . . ."
The Internet 42
The Persian Gulf War 25
Cell phones 8
Sport utility vehicles 8
O.J. Simpson 3
Monica Lewinsky 2
The Wonderbra 2
Not sure 10


The U.S. Postal Service

Associated Press Poll conducted by ICR. January 13-17, 1999. N=1,015 adults nationwide.



"Overall, do you think the United States Postal Service is doing an excellent job, a good job, a fair job, or a poor job?"
Excellent 22
Good 50
Fair 21
Poor 7



"Compared to five years ago, do you think the level of service provided by the post office is better than it was, worse than it was, or has it stayed about the same?"
Better 29
Worse 9
About the same 60
Don't know 2


"As you may know, the U.S. Postal Service just raised the cost of mailing a one-ounce letter by a penny. Do you think the cost of a stamp is a bargain, is it too expensive, or is the cost about right?"
A bargain 14
Too expensive 32
About right 51
Don't know 3


Senator in Space

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). October 24-27, 1998. N=1,025 registered voters nationwide.


Asked of half the sample:
"As you may have heard, next week, former astronaut and current Ohio senator John Glenn will attempt to become the oldest person to complete a space shuttle mission, at the age of 77. Do you think that his mission will provide valid scientific research, or do you think that the mission is for publicity purposes?"
Will provide valid research 42
For publicity purposes 39
Some of both (vol.) 14
Not sure 5


ABC News Poll. Oct. 2-6, 1998. N=1,009 adults nationwide.


"As you may know, the U.S. space agency NASA is sending the 77-year-old former astronaut John Glenn back into space on the space shuttle later this month, 36 years after his first space flight. NASA says it's sending Glenn to help it study the effect of space travel and the aging process. Some people say NASA really is sending Glenn for its public relations value, not for valid scientific study. What's your opinion? Do you think NASA is sending Glenn on the space shuttle [rotate:] mainly for valid scientific reasons or mainly for its public relations value?"
Scientific reasons 32
Public relations 34
Both (vol.) 18
No opinion 15


The Death of Princess Diana

Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll


8/21-23/98 9/4/97
% %
"As you may know, the one year anniversary of the death of Princess Diana is coming up later this month.
"How would you describe the way you feel about her death? Are you as upset as if someone you knew personally had died, or are you sad, but not as upset as if it were someone you personally knew?"
Upset as if someone you knew 15 27
Sad 75 66
Not sad (vol.) 9 6
No opinion 1 1


". . . who do you think was more responsible for the car accident: the photographers who were following Diana's car, or the man who was driving Diana's car?"
Man driving Diana's car 55
Photographers 35
Both equally (vol.) 6
No opinion 4


N 1,317


Wifely Submission

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. June 17-18, 1998. N=902 registered voters nationwide..
    ALL Women Men Dem. Rep. Ind.
    % % % % % %
"The Southern Baptist Convention recently issued the following statement: 'A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. He has the God-given responsibility to provide for, to protect, and to lead his family. A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband, even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.' Would you agree or disagree?"
Agree 33 32 34 30 40 27
Disagree 56 59 54 61 50 62
Not sure 11 9 12 9 10 11
"In most of the marriages you see around you, would you say that the wife submits to the husband or the husband submits to the wife?"
Wife to husband 25 29 20 26 27 20
Husband to wife 15 12 19 18 13 17
Are equal (vol.) 49 47 51 46 50 50
Not sure 11 12 10 10 10 13
"President Clinton is a Southern Baptist. How likely do you think it is that Hillary Clinton has ever submitted to her husband? . . ."
Very likely 12 12 12 16 8 12
Somewhat likely 22 22 22 26 17 24
Not very likely 19 17 21 16 26 16
Not at all likely 27 29 26 20 37 30
Not sure 20 20 19 22 12 18



Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll. May 8-10, 1998. N=1,005 adults nationwide.
"As you may know, Viagra is a new prescription drug which helps solves the problem experienced by men who are sexually impotent. In general, do you think that Viagra will prove to be a good thing or a bad thing for society as a whole?"
ALL Men Women
% % %
Good thing 59 64 54
Bad thing 23 20 25
Mixed (vol.) 3 2 4
No opinion 15 14 17



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